Gercin Guards the Development of Kamasan State University and International Standard Hospital in Papua

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Jakarta ( – The General Chairperson of the National Leadership Council of the Indonesian Love People Movement (Dpn Gercin) Hendrik Yance Udam, who was always called  HYU who was met by the media (Saturday, December 5, 2020) at the Gercin Jamrud Headquarters, Central Jakarta  said that, ” The People’s Love Indonesia Movement will continue to oversee the development of Kamasan State University in Biak district and an international standard hospital in Jayapura district, Papua province, “said HYU, a national figure from Papua.

Furthermore, HYU said that, “Kamasan State University, which has been struggling for the indigenous peoples of the Saireri Bay of Papua Province, must be realized through the leadership of President Jokowi. Because the State, in this case the Government of President Jokowi, must be able to answer the issue of admission of new students in the Land of Papua who do not get the opportunity to study at Cenderwasih University.

As a result, the capacity of students is very limited in the numbers 3000 – 4000 while the applicants of new student candidates who want to enter Cenderwasi University are more than 14 thousand students.Therefore, to overcome this problem, Kamasan State University must be built immediately in the Biak Regency, Papua Province, the Saireri customary territory as a strategic solution in solving Papuan problems in the world of education and strengthening the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia in the Land of Papua, “said HYU Mutiara Hitam from the east.

HYU also explained that, “why is it necessary to build an International Standard Hospital and Sport Medicine in Bukit Foromoka, Jayapura Netar Sentani Regency, Papua Province because there are three important reasons, namely one, the morbidity and mortality rates in Papua are higher than birth rates, so that Papua is currently are under threat of lost Generation.

Second, in October 2021 there will be a National event, namely PON 2021 which will bring in elite athletes from all over Indonesia to participate in the nasional event.

Meanwhile, the facts on the ground are that there are no special health facilities with specialized personnel that meet the minimum standards in accordance with national and international regulations regarding outstanding sports in the Land of Papua. One of them is the maximum distance of the service center is 6 minutes from the location of the stadium, “explained HYU.

HYU added that, “The plan for the construction of the international standard Foromoko hospital has been grounded by the President of the Republic of Indonesia Jokowi in 2015 but has experienced obstacles because it is suspected that several groups have carried out sabotage by raising the issue that the location of the Formoko Hospital construction. The problem is that the customary land does not have an official certificate which prevents President Jokowi from laying the first stone at that time.

The speech of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia on February 20, 2020 said that it is necessary to build an international standard hospital in Papua. Therefore, it is the time for the government to seriously encourage and build international standard health facilities and Kamasan State University in the Land of Papua in order to knit and care for everyone in the Republic of Indonesia, “added HYU (Arief)



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